Why wouldn't you be the fertile fruit of the land
For you birthed many fruit from your womb
And you were hand picked fruit to nurture
You were raised to be the Proverbs 31 Woman
You were trusted to be the Proverbian Queen
To cook, to clean, to do what man can't do
In your hands it was released
You taught us faith
To our souls you sung a lullaby-
To settle our spirit, mind and body
You scold us, and in our rebllion-
We neglect you, but you never cease to love
Your love continues, because you know-
Your prodigal will return
When failure is in sight,
You know the promise land is still promised
For us, you hide your tears
For us, you stay near never to leave
American black woman, I love you...
For there are soo many angles to you
You can create laughter, amusement, mediation
American black woman
I want to grow up to be like you
To carry out dreams, to persevere, consistently ambitious...
For you have broken boundaries, to give us freedom
The nation made you international
They saw your stance, your smile, your sincerity
The nation fell in love with your passion
Yet, they continued to abuse you
However, you never allowed society to stop you...
American Black Woman
I admire you so...
On your head I place a crown
Around your feet I place flowers
Rest your worn soles
For you have a raised a new generation of-
American Black Women...
Our soft soles, are ready to touch ground
To step on stones and to walk through the pasture
So wash your hands, what work wasn't done-
We will continue to fulfill the dream
We will carry the sacrifices, that were once unknown
Trust, that your installments of value
Will not be forbidden
For you have trained us
And to our teachings we shall return
And when our teachers are once gone
Your heart, your spirit, will forever rest in us...
So if they ever search for you,
They know they can still find you in the,
American Black Woman
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