Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Embrace...ME

I embrace the side of me that only this vessel made of dust sees and is able to acknowledge; What's hidden inside of me is to be revealed to eyes of my heart

I embrace my smile, that even in my hurt, there's always a smile to be embraced because out of my pain births the joy and the salvation of my Savior

I embrace the girl in me, forever21 are my eyes, but my wisdom....

...But my wisdom is embraced in the natural curl of my hair, so tender are the ends, for they have been damaged, but it has brought forth wisdom and truth

Though I've been saturated and conumed...

Misread and misunderstood...

It gives me reason to believe...

To believe that my inner beauty........

That my sass......

My intuitive nature and passion....

Will be able to achieve much more than what my surroundings can offer, all because... 


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where Art Thou Boaz

Im wondering am I hiding far enough in Christ yet
So that God can send me Boaz
I have sketch him out
But am I all I need to be
For him to come sweep me off of my feet
I can't not be something I want my Boaz to be
A part of who I am and want to be must already exist in him
Boaz where art thou
Have you found your place in God
So that HE can divinely place you in my path
Years of preparation
I have watched the wise and the foolish
Treat their husbands with grace and dishonesty
But when you come my way
Whereever you are Boaz
Know this,
I have cried many tears to reach this point
And moved pass the past to receive you in my life
Know that more than anything I will be EVER so GRATEFUL

....Random Blog inspired my brother and our random convos a/b relationships.